Prehistoric Earthworks and the "Wessex Culture"
two groups seem to have blended together to produce the cult in Southern England that we call the 'Wessex Culture.' They were
responsible for the enormous earthwork called Silbury Hill, the largest manmade mound in prehistoric Europe. Silbury is 39 metres high and was built as a series
of circular platforms; their purpose still unknown. Nearby is the largest henge of all, Avebury, consisting of a vast circular
ditch and bank, an outer ring of one hundred standing stones and two smaller inner rings of stones. Outside the monument was
a mile-long avenue of standing stones.
Stonehenge, in the same general area as Silbury and Avebury, is perhaps the most famous, certainly the most visited
and photographed of all the prehistoric monuments in Britain. We can only guess at the amount of labor involved in its construction,
at the enormous complexity of the task which included transporting the inner blue-stones from the Preseli Hills in Wales and
erecting of the great lintelled circle and horseshoe of large sarsen stones, shaped and dressed. The architectural sophistication
of the monument bears witness to the tremendous technological advances being made at the time of the arrival of the Bronze
Grave goods also attest to the sophistication of
the Wessex culture: These include well-made stone battle axes, but also metal daggers with richly decorated hilts, precious
ornaments of gold or amber, as well as gold cups, amulets, even a sceptre with a polished mace-head at one end. To make bronze,
tin came from Cornwall; gold came from Wales, and products made from these metals were traded freely both within the British
Isles and with peoples on the continent of Europe. Bronze was used to make cauldrons and bowls, shields and helmets, weapons
of war, and farming tools. It was at this time that the Celtic peoples arrived in the islands we now call Britain.
The Celts
Before the arrival of the Celts in Britain, iron-working had begun in the Hittite
Empire, of Asia Minor. Those who practiced the trade kept it a closely guarded secret, but shortly after 1200 BC, the Hittites
were overthrown and knowledge of the miracle metal began to leak out. In Central Europe, a culture known as "Urnfield" developed
and prospered. It quickly adapted the iron-working culture known as "Hallstatt," after a site in Austria.
One of the most
significant elements in the new culture was the system of burial. Important people were buried along with their most precious
possessions in timber built chambers under earthen barrows. The Hallstatt people were highly-skilled craftsmen, who used iron,
bronze and gold, and produced fine burnished pottery. At some time they reached the British Isles and their culture began
to infiltrate those foggy, wet, but mineral-rich islands off the Continent.
From their contact with Mediterraneans, the Hallstatt
people had advanced their technology and culture developing into what is called "La Tene" after a site in Switzerland. The
La Tene style, with its production of beautiful, handsomely-made and decorated articles, came into existence around the middle
of the fifth century BC. It was produced by the Celts, the first people in the islands of Britain whose culture and language
survive in many forms today.
Of the Celtic peoples, Hermann Noelle wrote:
The Celtic culture as a whole, developing very early on about 1000 BC, and reaching
its finest expression around 500 BC, is a fundamental part of Europe's past. This is not to underrate the subsequent influence
of the Latin and Germanic peoples on this part of Europe. But the Celtic foundation was already present. Thus, European culture
is inconceivable without the Celtic contribution. Even when the presence of the Celts in their original territory is no longer
obvious, we must acknowledge the fact: they are at the root of the Western European peoples who have made history. (Die Kelten
und Ihre Stadt Manching, cited in Cunliffe, 214)
The arrival
of people into the British Isles from the Continent probably took place in small successive waves. The Greeks called these
people Keltoi, the Romans Celtai. In present-day Yorkshire, "the Arras Culture" with its La Tene chariot burials attests to
the presence of a wealthy and flourishing Celtic society in Northeast Britain. In the southwest, cross-Channel influence is
seen. Here, a culture developed that was probably highly involved in the mining and trading of tin; it is characterized by
a certain type of hill fort that is also found in Britanny.
Keltoi La Tene burials Britanny Hill forts British Isles
Hill Forts from the Iron-Age, the age of the Celts, are
found everywhere in the British Isles. Spectacular relics from prehistoric times, hill forts had as many purposes as sites.
They varied from shelters for people and livestock in times of danger, purely local settlements of important leaders and their
families, to small townships and administrative centers. Long practiced in the art of warfare, the people of these isolated
settlements were responsible for some of the finest known artistic achievements. In addition to their beautifully wrought
and highly decorated shields, daggers, spears, helmets and sword, they also produced superb mirrors, toilet articles, drinking
vessels and personal jewelry of exquisite form and decoration.
The Celts in
Britain used a language derived from a branch of Celtic known as either Brythonic, which gave rise to Welsh, Cornish and Breton;
or Goidelic, giving rise to Irish, Scots Gaelic and Manx. Along with their languages, the Celts brought their religion to
Britain, particularly that of the Druids, the guardians of traditions and learning. The Druids glorified the pursuits of war, feasting and horsemanship. They controlled the calender and the planting
of crops and presided over the religious festivals and rituals that honored local deities.
Many of Britain's Celts came from Gaul, driven from
their homelands by the Roman armies and Germanic tribes. These were the Belgae, who arrived in great numbers and settled in
the southeast around 75 BC. They brought with them a sophisticated plough that revolutionized agriculture in the rich, heavy
soils of their new lands. Their society was well-organized in urban settlements, the capitals of the tribal chiefs. Their
crafts were highly developed; bronze urns, bowls and torques illustrate their metalworking skills. They also introduced coinage
to Britain and conducted a lively export trade with Rome and Gaul, including corn, livestock, metals and slaves.
Of the Celtic lands on the mainland of Britain, Wales
and Scotland have received extensive coverage in the pages of Britannia. The largest non-Celtic area, at least linguistically,
is now known as England, and it is here that the Roman influence is most strongly felt. It was here that the armies of Rome
came to stay, to farm, to mine, to build roads, small cities, and to prosper, but mostly to govern.