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Course Syllabus in Literatures of the World

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Part V - Medieval Britain

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Republic of the Philippines


Asingan, Pangasinan




Course Code:        Lit 102

Course Title:         Literature of the World

Credit:                  3 units

Time Frame:        3 hours per week/ 54 hours

Instructor:            MR. JULIUS A. SISON






          A dynamic self-reliant and productivity-driven institution of higher learning recognized as a center of excellence in professional studies and technical training with distinctive competence and leadership in research and community service.




          The Pangasinan State University will provide better service in technical and professional training in the arts, sciences, humanities, and in the conduct of scientific research and technological studies and community services. (P.D. 1497)




          The college shall provide relevant and quality education in technological programs, entrepreneurship, and professional education; conduct appropriate basic and applied research; and undertake productive extension services to improve the quality of life of the people.




1.     To produce competent and globally competitive teachers as well as highly skilled technicians and entrepreneurs in small and medium scale business and industrial establishments.


2.      To provide opportunities for the poor and the disadvantaged to acquire quality education to make them productive and versatile citizens committed towards improving themselves, their family and the community.


3.      To promote efficiency and effectiveness of operations through a continuing program of human resources development and evaluation of programs, projects, and activities.




1.     Provide students with relevant and quality education in the field of professional education, technology, and entrepreneurship to insure their productive employment so as to improve their lives;


2.     Conduct periodic review of existing curricula with the end view of enriching and updating in the same order to keep abreast of modern technology;


3.      Design and develop relevant and responsive curricular programs that will meet the needs of a developing community; 


4.     Continuously upgrade the competencies of the faculty and personnel through closer supervision and well-planned faculty-staff development program;

5.      Democratize access of poor but deserving students to quality education through institutionally-funded and privately sponsored scholarship programs;


6.      Conduct educational, socio-economic and appropriate technological researches to improve instructional effectiveness, develop new technologies, and enhance current work processes thereby increasing productivity;


7.      Strengthen the extension services to enable the out-of-school youths, unemployed adults, potential entrepreneurs, and the women sector to acquire the necessary skills and attitudes for gainful employment in order to improve the quality of life in the countryside;


8.      Establish and maintain functional linkages with the public and private agencies/ institutions to bring about the cooperative and fruitful realization of the college’s programs, projects, and activities;


9.       Conduct periodic evaluation and review of the management system and processes in the college in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the overall operation of the institution; and


10. To produce graduates with the necessary skills desirable work habits and attitudes and acceptable interpersonal and critical skills that can help in the community, regional and national development and are to be globally competitive.


II.          Course DescriptioN:


                    This course surveys literature from all parts of the world--including Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East--from the 1600's up to the present. The literary selections, serving as vehicles for understanding the experiences of the human family, are studied for appreciation of their artistic and cultural value. It is also the continuation of the study of literary forms or genres, exemplified this time by selected literary pieces from various countries, written at different periods in history.



III.          Course Objectives:


A.    General Objectives:


The general objective of the course is to make the student appreciate the breadth and depth of literature in other countries. The course also aims to deepen the student’s understanding of the different literary genres.


B.     Specific Objectives:


After finishing this course, the students should be able to:

a.      Identify about some of the world’s greatest masterpieces;

b.     gain understanding of the lives of the different writers of different nationalities;

c.      give intelligible insights and perception on the specific writing that has been read;

d.     Demonstrate the values learned in the study of literature to real life situations.


IV.             Course Requirements:


1.     Regular Attendance

2.     Active participation in classroom discussion, recitation, oral practicum and other activities

3.     Passing quizzes, midterm, and final examinations

4.     Analysis of representative literary types

5.     Watching educational films and stage/theater presentation

6.     Submission of seat works




“All students enrolled at the university shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment.” (see student’s guide handbook, policies and procedures, conduct)


A “positive learning environment” is one which allows and even encourages contemplation, thoughtful directed discourse, and an unimpeded listening environment for the student. As instructor of this course, it is my responsibility to promote civility in the classroom. As a student, it is your responsibility to behave in a civil manner which contributes to that “positive learning environment.” To that end, the following additional rules will apply for the duration of this course:


1. There will be no side conversations. You cannot talk or even whisper to your neighbor without distracting other students sitting near you.


2. Tardies will enter quietly, take their assigned seats, and inform the instructor at the end of class that they were present.


3. Extreme tardiness (e.g., more than 15 minutes late) will not enter the classroom.  


4. Habitual tardiness will be viewed as a) poor planning or b) lack of respect for the class, the instructor, and/or fellow students.


5. There will be no popping into and out of the classroom. If you must leave the classroom for an emergency, do so without calling undue attention to yourself and do not return to the classroom, thereby causing a second disruption.


6. The instructor has the right to ask anyone to leave the classroom if that person engages in distracting behavior, which includes side conversations, inappropriate responses to the instructor or fellow students, showing off, making signals to students on the other side of the classroom, sleeping, texting, etc…


7. Please do not bring drinks or food into the classroom.


8. Remove hats or caps. Faces should be shown.


9. All mobile phones should always be in silent mode during class. If a student has an important or emergency call, he/she may take the call outside the room asking permission from the instructor.


VI.             Course CONTENT:

                                                                                                    Time Frame


          A.  Orientation & Introduction of the Course                             4 hr

1.     Overview About Literature

2.     Purpose of Studying Literature

3.     Values of Literature

4.     Major Divisions of Literature

5.     Approaches/Methods of Studying Literature

6.     Elements of Story


B.   Greek Literature                                                                 12 hrs

1.     The God and Goddesses

a.      Olympians

b.     Chthonians 

c.      The Titans

d.     Free Spirits

2.     How the World and Mankind Were Created

3.     The Earliest Heroes

(Flower-Myths: Narcissus, Hyacinth, Adonis)

4.     Stories of Love and Adventure

                                                                          i.      Cupid and Psyche

                                                                        ii.      Pyramus and Thisbe


C.  English Literature                                                                 20 hrs

          1. The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)

a.      The Development of the English Language

b.     Beowulf (Anonymous)

c.      Everyman (Anonymous)


2.     The Medieval Period (1066-1485)

a.      The Medieval England

b.     Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”

                                                                                            i.            The Prologue

                                                                                          ii.            The Miller’s Tale

                                                                                        iii.            The Pardoner’s Tale


c.      The Story of King Arthur (Film Showing)

d.     Get up and Bar the Door (Anonymous)

3.     Renaissance Period (1485-1660)

a.      William Shakespeare

                                                                                            i.            Film Showing of the movie

“Shakespeare’s In Love”

                                                                                          ii.            Romeo and Juliet

                                                                                        iii.            Hamlet

b.     Christopher Marlowe’s

 “The Passionate Shepherd and His Love”

c.      Sir Walter Raleigh’s

“The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd”

d.     John Milton and His Works


D. Italian Literature                                                       9 hrs

          1. Historical Background of Italy

          2. Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy”

          3. Victor Hugo and His Famous Masterpieces

          4. “The Count of Monte Cristo” and (Film Showing)

             “The Three Musketeers” 

    By: Alexander Dumas


E. Japanese Literature                                                       6 hrs

          1. The Haiku

          2. Shinto

          3. The Kabuki

          4. The Banraku

          5. Film Showing on “The Last Samurai”


F. American Literature                                                       7 hrs

1. Introduction

          2. Pocahontas and Captain John Smith

          3. Edward Estlin Cummings

                    “Somewhere I Have Never Traveled”

          4. Edgar Allan Poe



G. The Influence of the Bible                                           5 hrs

          1. Ecclesiastes 3:18-7

          2. The Prodigal Son

          3. Psalms 23 & 100   

                                                            Total:         54 hrs.


VII.        TEACHING METHODS AND Strategies:


                                                                          i.      Although this is primarily a lecture course, students will be expected to widen their appreciation in literature through a thorough study on some masterpieces of the different famous writers around the world and experiencing how these writers had lived their lives through extensive study of their biography.


                                                                        ii.      Active participation of the students is expected throughout the semester through interactive activities and practicum.


                                                                      iii.      Educational Technology such as the use of audio\video facilities and computers will be highly incorporated to further encourage the students for active involvement in the classroom activities and practicum.


                                                                      iv.      Quizzes and seatwork will also be utilized to measure the development of every student.


VIII.      Instructional MEDIA/ Materials:


a.      Books

b.     Hand-outs

c.      Internet Researches

d.     Magazines and Newspapers

e.      Audio/Video Facilities

f.       Computer


IX.          Evaluation SCHEME:


          a. Midterm and Final Exam                                                                                      40%

          b. Participation                                                                                                         40%

a.      Attendance - - - - - - - - - - -   10%

b.     Recitation/practicum -  - - -     30 %

c. Quizzes, seatwork, assignments                                                                       20%



X.                ENRICHMENT Activities:


a.      Class Recitation


b.     Film showing


c.      Literary Analysis/Criticism


d.     Research Work


e.      Theater Play


XI.          References:


          Bascara, Linda R. World Literature. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila, 2001


Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Penguin Books USA Inc., New York, USA.



Javines, Francisco O. English Literature. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila,



          Williams, Oscar. Immortal Poems. Pocket Books Inc., New York, USA


          Other Resources:


Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft

Corporation. All rights reserved.


Internet Resources


Prepared by:


                                                          JULIUS A. SISON

                                                              Instructor I




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